The Javelin prosthetic foot offers the Level 3/4 user good energy response over a range of low to moderate impact sports and activities. Its blade style design is lightweight and ideal for variable cadence walking and allows a good cosmetic finish.
Key Features
- Small sizes available
- e-carbon foot with independent springs
- Dynamic pylon enhances shock absorption
- Easy to finish cosmetically
- Sandal Toe Footshell
Foot shell and glide sock included
Why Chose Javelin
- The high mean radius of curvature for Esprit-style e-carbon feet2: “The larger the radius of curvature, the more stable is the foot”
- High degree of user satisfaction, particularly with high activity users8
- Users demonstrate confidence in prosthetic loading during high activity6
- Improved prosthetic push-off work compared to SACH feet7
- Increased prosthetic positive work done4
- Allow variable running speeds3
- Increased self-selected walking speed4
- Elite-style e-carbon feet (L code VL5987) or VT units demonstrate the second highest mobility levels, behind only microprocessor feet5

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